Law Offices of Stephen R. Paul 
1777 No. Fordham Blvd.
Chapel Hill, Nc 27514

For over 28 years, the lawyers at The Law Offices of Stephen R. Paul, PLLC, have been dedicated to offering exceptional legal services and to serving the specific interests of their clients.  Our firm has specialized exclusively in assisting our clients in legal matters and claims in all 100 counties of North Carolina. 

Our knowledgeable and veteran team of lawyers and paralegals has many years of experience litigating subrogation, personal injury and wrongful death, medical malpractice, and products liability cases.  From conducting the initial consultation and investigation of our client's legal matter to composing demand letters and filing suit to obtaining successful verdicts and judgments or settlements, our firm aggressively pursues the most advantageous and favorable resolution for our clients. For example, since 1997 we have collected in excess of fifty-eight million dollars ($58,00,000.00) on behalf of our subrogation clients. This includes products liability, construction defects, motor vehicle accidents, fire losses, and other lawsuits. In the past five (5) years alone, we have recovered in excess of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) for our medical malpractice, personal injury, and subrogation clients. 

We encourage you to call us at (919) 933-5125 and schedule an appointment to meet one of our lawyers and discuss your legal needs and what we can do to help you. You can call Steve Paul directly at (919) 933-5125, xt.101. You can also contact Steve at or